Obamacare Just IMPLODED With Sudden Second Move Trump Just Made Overnight – Libs Are PISSED - JLFB - Cyber Security, Hacking News, Exploits, Vulnerabilities, Tech and Tutorials


Monday, July 31, 2017

Obamacare Just IMPLODED With Sudden Second Move Trump Just Made Overnight – Libs Are PISSED

The Senate had their chance to do what was right for Americans and what the President of the United States wanted. Instead, RINOs and Democrats deliberately went against Donald Trump despite the peril that the citizens of this nation are in as a power move against him.
Now, for a second time in 24 hours, Trump just pulled the ultimate power play and made a second surprise move overnight that has sent liberals into a complete panic.
The American people have been forced to pay for Obamacare and punished for it if they don’t or can’t participate. That’s not acceptable to our president who is for the people and not special interest groups. The government should have never gotten involved in an industry that’s part of a free market and getting it back to what it should have always been is going to take something major. President Trump was the man to make that happen and just did with this latest sudden move.
President Trump threatened to end all government payments to lawmaker health insurers if Congress does not pass a new health care bill. He’s saying that bailouts for Insurance Companies are on the chopping block if they don’t fix this fast, as a second move to ending bailouts for members of Congress.
He also made it very clear to call to attention the fact that Congress lied to the American people for seven years by saying that if they would elect the GOP they would, in fact, be repealing and replacing the failing Obamacare law.

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